Website design

FAQ - Terms & Conditions

- Each design project will consist of 2 stage payments commencing with a non refundable deposit of 50% with the balance of 50% being payable on completion of each project, but before the release of the work to you or launch of a website.
- It is your responsibility to obtain the copyright permissions for any text for all languages you use on website , images or other files that Gomarnad design team has used in the creation of your Website, brochure or marketing material that have not been directly created by Gomarnad.
- We accept only email or phone communication and all content you want send us must be send by email.
- As our client, you must send us all content you want use for website (text in all languages you require website design, pictures, contact details, social media links, etc) and you are responsible for that content. Gomarnad creates design , and may also apply SEO to your content.
- All registration details are released after all payments cleared from all our services provided to you
- The website design created by Gomarnad is fully licensed. All pictures with watermark of our partners (Photographers) are under licence and can not be used on any other website without valid contact.
- None part of designed website (design,text,pictures) can not be used during designing website and before releasing last payment to anywhere (blogs,social media,other websites…)
- Once website is ONLINE , we may charge you for additional services or modifications (as all changes , modifications must be done before website created by Gomarnad is ONLINE)
- CHANGES TO web design PROJECT - If you require any change of design during creating website, we may charge you depends on you request (if minor , or major changes). All changes you require you must send us by email.
- The website, domain name , graphics and any programming code remain the property of Gomarnad until all outstanding accounts are paid in full.
- You are fully responsible for testing website once is ONLINE . This means you must check contact form if working properly and you receive emails to your inbox.
- We offer 3 months free updates to all our clients for new designated websites (Only if all payments going well without any delay, or if no problem with communication. This 3 months free updates are limited with 1 “update email” per 1 week. Also free 3 months updates apply only for all clients who register domain name with us).
- To register your web domain name, please send us all necessary info we require (ID national card or company registration certificate , otherwise we do not accept registration with your name).
- To renew your domain name, please contact us at least 2 weeks before expiration date to be sure we can arrange payment before expiration date.
- If you have domain name and hosting service registered with us as a pack (registered together for discounted price) and you decide to transfer your domain name, you must also transfer your hosting service (files) before the domain name is transferred. Once domain name is transferred , web hosting is deactivated and all data deleted automatically.
- To transfer domain name, please contact us at least 1 week before expiration date to be sure we can arrange all necessary processes. You need send us copy of your ID (or company registration certificate if you are company). If you got your domain name and hosting service as a promotion (FREE OFFER as a package with website - you did not register/pay for domain name and web hosting separately) , transfer is available after 3 years from registering domain with Gomarnad (or you must pay 3 years domain name , then domain name is unlocked and ready for transfer) . To process transfer click here.
- Authorization code for web domain name is released on request to all clients (there is no authorization code for domain names - contact us directly for more info).
- From the 1st September 2012 there is “late domain name renewal payment fee” if payment is received after the due date of expiration date. Current late fee is 50% from total amount of renewal web domain name + hosting service.
- We at Gomarnad think that sharing positive and also negative experience with our customers can help business on both sides.
- For creating a website design by Gomarnad, you must send us all information (text,pictures and other info) and you are responsible for all information at your website.
- We are PROFESSIONAL company specialised for website design. If you require more languages to your website , you need to send us text in all languages you require or we can help you to manage translations with licensed translator. Contact us for current prices for translation.
Everyone requiring any service from Gomarnad ,
must accept all our terms & conditions.
(Otherwise we can not start designing your website)